Prometna infrastruktura je ključna za rast v gradbenem sektorju

22. 11. 2021

Poročilo iz tedenskih gospodarskih novic (Weekly Economic Highlights)

Compared to August, the value of construction works (in real terms) rose more than expected in September (+0.9% - expected vs. + 8.5% - preliminary reading). The uncertainty in the forecast of this aggregate is high (the monthly change is difficult to estimate reliably, subsequent revisions of the data are high). Value of construction works was only 0.7% higher year on year, but 3.7% lower in the first nine months of 2021. In this period, only the value of construction works in civil engineering increased by 8% year on year, while the value of specialized construction works decreased by 1% and the value of building construction by 19.8%. Compared to other EU countries, the September monthly growth (+8.5%) stood out (highest rise among countries) compared to the weighted growth in the EU-27 (+1.2%). In the first nine months (compared to the same period in 2020), Slovenia's lag behind the EU-27 was quite high. According to the calendar adjusted data, the value of construction works in this period was 7% higher in the EU-27, while in Slovenia it was 3.9% lower. A comparison with 2019 (nine months) shows that in the EU-27 the value of construction works was already at a similar level (-0.3%), while in Slovenia it was lower for 6.8%. This lag is expected to be related exclusively to a large drop in works in buildings, which in our opinion is related to high past activity in commercial buildings in 2019-2020 and lower in 2021 (based on decisions taken in 2020). Higher residential housing construction could not replace this drop. In civil engineering, the dynamics in Slovenia (+ 8.0% in the first nine months of 2021 compared to 2019) was more intensive than in the EU-27 (+ 0.3% in the first nine months of 2021 compared to 2019).

Več na: Tedenske gospodarske novice


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